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Moraine Wood Table Base

Quick Points

  • Angled Cross style Base

  • The base is sized to suit the table top it’s paired with

  • Built to match the thickness of your table top

  • Made to match your table top’s wood and finish

  • Adjustable feet set into the bottom

  • Custom heights and widths available

  • There is one vertical section of the cross in the way in the center of the long edge, as well as the end. On the end there will usually be room to tuck a chair in before the cross interferes. On the long sides the cross will be closer so it will suit an even number of chairs best.

  • Legs fit under the table similar to how chairs do

More Information

What is it?

The moraine base is a cross base where the verticals angle inward.  It is made of wood that is on its side which minimizes the base’s footprint.  The size, shape and color or the base is made to suit the table top. The base comes with adjustable feet to help level the table.

Can I customize it?

Yes - you can customize the height and width of the legs to suit your table.

How does it work with seating?

With the moraine base, the nature of the design means that on the ends, chairs can tuck in. Similarly someone can sit at the ends.  On the sides, the moraine base comes closer to the edge so you will prefer to have chairs on either side of the base.



moraine base in walnut under an oval tablemoraine base in walnut under an oval tablemoraine base in walnut under a walnut oval tablemoraine base in ash under an oval table

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